Thursday, September 28, 2006


Welcome to Miami!!!!. Falta poco para irnos de Babylon!!

OK!!. Todo el mundo out there!!!. I am in Miami and this place is always pretty interesting pero no very atractivo for me. There are still some cool people around and we happen to know some of them. This next October 3rd, My hommie Leo y yo estaremos viajando hacia San Antonio, TX y luego, two horas later, we need to run as fast as we can to get to the Greyhound and go to Monterrey. You'll get more historias about our crazy trip. Please, send us advises, ideas, comentarios, contactos, money orders or dinero, I mean, whatever you want.

We Love you!!!!

Los queremos mucho!!

Chao Babylon!!!!

P.D. We'll be writing pretty much in both languajes, spanish and english, I mean Spanglish, so let's start to aprender those crazy idiomas!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006


In order to make sure that you two stay connected to me, I have taken the liberty of creating this page. Many of us in Carrboro will miss you dearly and will often wonder about your adventures. Please fill us in...if only to show us the wonderful people, sunsets, and foods that will cross your path. Here is wishing you the best......
