Thursday, October 26, 2006

ok. Mas de lo mismo!!

I know, yo lo se!!!!!. No escribimos nada and nothing we share. The problem is time and laziness porque flojos somos pero fragiles!. Aqui tenemos unas fotitos de Guanajuato en el FEstival Internacional de Cervantino que de verdad estuvo bien padre y un poco loco. Como siempre, la promesa, ya vendran las historias en cada parte del viaje.
Bastante agua cayo y hasta a mi hermano perdido encontramos.....

Bye....that guy with glasses right there is my lost brotha!!!. Believe it or not!!!. Having wet shoes is not cool.

Love and solidarity for everyone!!!


Monday, October 16, 2006

Aqui estamos y no nos vamos!!!

Ok. Aqui estamos otra vez y como siempre ahorrando el tiempo y dinero y como a la final una imagen dice mas que mil palabras, aqui tienen un link a uno de los lugares mas magicos y surreales donde hemos estado en nuestras vidas, el gran pueblo fantasma Real de 14....

Chao...tenemos sueno y esta lloviendo mucho. Es el tiempo perfecto para extranar la casa y los seres que queremos...

chao y besos desde por aqui.....

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Oh my lord!!!. Between sombreros and cumbias, we havent had time to update this papichulo blog!!!. Come on!!!. Too many things to see and too little time to share with internet.
Well, to say this trip has been good is not fair. It has been wonderful!!. In every corner, there is a smile waiting for us, an, Hey, CHAMOS, De donde son!!!!. I just tell you, that one week ago, we were in Monterrey, we were in a mirador with the biggest Mexican flag we have ever seen in our lifes (our friends from Monterrey said that flag is the biggest in Mexico), and I cried but just a drop for the people I love, the people I would like to share this experience with and are pretty far in body but close in soul. I would like to be a better writer to express better what we seen in this land, full of colors, extreme flavors, love and culture.
Check this link out,


We just got back from Real de 14, a magic ghost town in the montains that is pretty famous for its Peyote and we are in SAn Luis Potosi but living tomorrow to go to Guanajuato and be part of the biggest International Cultural FEst in Mexico called El Festival de Cervantino. We are pretty excited about the future of our trip and we`ll have more details about our past trips in the futuro!!!!1

Bye amig@s!!!

Oh god!!. It is hard to keeo this shit in two languajes!!!


Thursday, October 05, 2006


WHAT SUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!. Finally we got to Monterrey and to tell you the truth, I dont feel like using my time right now in internet. People here are awesome and we already have good friends whom are showing us Monterrey and taking us all over the place. We love this place. comments.....

Cono, hace mucho calor y el lugar donde estamos parece una olla de presion. Ademas, para decir la verdad no quiero escribir mucho porque la vida esta alla afuera esperandonos. Estamos en nuestra primera parada Monterrey y aqui la gente es maravillosa y ya hasta tenemos amig@s que nos han llevado a conocer muchos lugares bien folclorikos y hermosos. Ah, la cervecita esta bien buena....


Los gueyes...

Monday, October 02, 2006



Para el que le interese.....

Este sabado conocimos a tres hermanas judias colombianas que estan celebrando que una de ellas se habia ganado el primer premio de disenadora de interiores del ano aqui en Miami, cosa que causa, sin pecar de malas intenciones, un poco de risa porque Miami definitivamente no es la Meca del Diseno, es mas, gracias a Miami ahora entiendo mucho mejor muchas filosofias de vida, construcciones y colores que inundan nuestro pais, la VErgazuela. La gallina o el huevo, quien fue primero?.
Bueno, la cuestion es que despues de una conversacion larga con la hermana mayor, me entere que ella fue la que recientemente produjo un documental que suena interesante (yo habia visto la pagina internet antes y se ve interesante) sobre la coneZION de la cultura reggae con el Judaismo. Si quieren ver la pagina web, chequen esta pagina

Bueno, mis amig@s, hasta la proxima ocasion.

En Solidaridad,
El Inflamao


Encontre esta direccion que es la mejor para encontrar la distancia entre ciudades y ciudades en Mexico. Interne????, F??»?)= Awesome!!

something mas!!!

I just want everybody to check the web page of one of my favorites woman, sister, amiga, artista, ect,ect around. This is my friend Sara la Chica del Color and you must see what she does with her creativity and muse.

Interesting night!!!

Ok. In saturday night, after being for too long at South Beach, we wanted to drink, guess what???, some beers and of course, went to find the cheapest place around, Leo and me where which is very hard around this area of colorful Miami. Well, we found it and after an overdose of light blue and way too much pink, left the bar to meet Julia, our Brasilena. Finally, we found a place with dj´s where they were playing good music and there was this old school tough MALANDRO white rasta dude in his 50ºs (he said he was a professional surfer too), who was smoking his healing of the Nation all over the bar. This weirdo was so so funny and told us things about Miami that I am still don't know if they are real. I believed him in some way. Miami Vice DONT LIE.
Well, the thing is that we met this three Colombian Jews sisters kind of weird and crazy. One of this girls won this night the first Miami Interior Designer something of the year and they were really celebrating that shit. Then, I was talking with the oldest sister and I found out that this is the girl who made a documentary short time ago about the konektion of reggae culture and judaism. You can check this here:

Luego, they told us to go to their house, pretty close to where we were and you know, of course we say yes (WE ARE STILL TRYING TO LEARN HOW TO SAY NOOOOO!!!, I GOT THE BOOK, I SWEAR)and BABY JESUS!!!!, they have this wonderful, kind of bizarre view of Miami, from this super cool balconnnny that made us stay there for some hours and repetetive good conversations about nothing.

To tell you the truth, after being in the house of an interior designer in Miami, I really believe, I UNDERSTAND MIAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!1

THA SHIT WAS FUNNY!!! time to interact!!!!!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Come on Miami, even Maniquies are bigger here..weird

Estamos perdidos en Miami
bajo el terrible cielo del caribe
somos como una sombra de nosotros mismos
celebrando la caida del imperio
un lugar donde acampar, en este infierno
gente flotando en el mar de la verguenza
como astronautas de T.V en el espacio
Dios esta mirandonos a todos
nadar hacia la boca del enemigo
aun los escuchamos cantar, en este infierno.

Estas saliendo del ghetto
como cuando se sale de la tumba
ser el peon del ajedrez capitalista
es ser la victima perfecta de este juego
hombre rezando a un Dios que no lo escucha
la ultima moda suena en la radio
el sol, se pone sobre el horizonte
cual sera el color de la bandera?
no existe vida espiritual, en este infierno.

Chao Miami, nos vamos con la luna y el sol.

Life is weird.

Ok. Cuando tu crees que la vida es extrana, tranquilo, porque siempre hay algo mas. Leo estaba en el carro alrededor de Miami Beach y ZAS!!!!, de repente ve esta anuncio publicitario en donde sale nuestra amiga MARTA!!!!. NOOOO!!!!!!. El mundo es pequeno y vamos a comprobarlo en nuestro viaje aun mas.
